Virtual Lab

Fun Science Experiments!

Welcome to the virtual lab. Please note that the experiments below are demos to get you warmed up with how our virtual reality works as we optimize your experiments to cut down the reasource intensity. Enjoy!
Title : SCHOOL COMPOUND TOUR     Controls : Start  |  Pause  |  Back
School Compound Tour

School Compound Tour

Tour around the school compound.
1. Use control links ( Start,Pause,Back ).
2. Mouse to rotate player.
3. Keyboard arrow keys to move forward, backward, left and right.
4. Space bar to jump.
Class Corridor Tour

Class Corridor Tour

Tour around the classroom corridor.
1. Use control links ( Start,Pause,Back ).
2. Mouse to rotate player.
3. Keyboard arrow keys to move forward, backward, left and right.
4. Space bar to jump.
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